Our website provides a range of different resources that explain sentencing practices; highlight key statistical trends; and clarify legal concepts.
Did You Know...

Sentencing Explained
Sentencing explained and summarised in plain English.
Sentencing Trends
Links to offical sources where statistics and data are regularly shared.
The Ministry of Justice issues quarterly Criminal Justice Statistics, which includes statistics on out of court disposals, prosecutions and all sentencing outcomes.
The Ministry of Justice also issues quarterly Offender Management Statistics, which includes statistics on the prison population, prison receptions and releases and offenders being supervised in the community.
The prison population and total prison capacity is released weekly, every Friday.
Statistics on race and the criminal justice system are released biennially, with the most recent set, covering 2018, having been published in November 2019.
Statistics on women and the criminal justice system are also released biennially and the most recent set, covering 2019, was released in November 2020.
Statistics on sentencing for knife and offensive weapons offences are published quarterly.
Youth justice statistics, covering children and young people aged 10-17, are released on an annual basis.
Statistics on proven reoffending are released quarterly.
The Attorney General’s Office releases regular updates on the outcome of unduly lenient sentence referrals.
Statistics on proven reoffending are released quarterly.
The Sentencing Academy is a research and engagement charitable incorporated organisation dedicated to developing expert and public understanding of sentencing in England and Wales.
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