Restorative Justice Week 2023

Restorative justice can be delivered at any stage of the criminal justice process including being part of any sentencing disposal. Indeed, when we look at the statutory purposes of sentencing and the goals of restorative justice we can easily identify common aims, particularly around making reparation and reducing reoffending. It can be used in sentencing […]

Launch of the House of Commons Justice Committee Report

Several members of the Sentencing Academy attended an event at Portcullis House on 8 November to launch the House of Commons Justice Committee’s Report Public Opinion and Understanding of Sentencing. Executive Director, Professor Julian V. Roberts, was invited to respond to the Report’s findings and proposals. The Committee’s research involved polling 2,057 adults in England […]

The King’s Speech

The last King’s Speech of this parliament, delivered on Tuesday 7 November, included several Bills which will significantly reform sentencing in England and Wales. What this suggests is that the government see criminal justice as a vital issue at the next general election. The major reforms are found in a Criminal Justice Bill, a Sentencing […]

Contemporary Issues in Sentencing Seminar: Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd

The Sentencing Academy were delighted to join forces with the Centre for Law, Crime and Justice at Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd to hold a ‘Contemporary Issues in Sentencing’ seminar on 18 October 2023. In keeping with the theme of the series, there were three papers on topical issues in sentencing followed by lively audience […]

Parole in England and Wales: Recent Reforms and Proposals for the Future

Authors: Gavin Dingwall and Megan Millar   This report examines recent changes to parole in England and Wales and considers proposals for the future. It also explores a number of areas of research that would benefit from greater attention to ensure that future reforms are underpinned by the best possible evidence.   Read the full […]

Contemporary Issues in Sentencing Seminar: Durham University

The Sentencing Academy was delighted to co-host a seminar on Contemporary Issues in Sentencing with Durham Law School on Wednesday 11 October 2023. The seminar series brings together speakers working on current aspects of sentencing policy and practice. Presentations are aimed at a general audience and the events are designed to allow ample time for […]

Sentencing Trends in England and Wales (2002-2022)

A new analysis of sentencing trends between 2002 and 2022 has been conducted by the Sentencing Academy. This bulletin, which is the first in a series, documents changes in sentencing severity during this period and finds that whilst the use of custody and the average custodial sentence length has declined for summary offences, both have […]

Kalisher/Sentencing Academy Internship

I am extremely pleased to have been awarded the Kalisher/Sentencing Academy Internship for this year. I have followed the work of both organisations for a number of years, and I am proud to represent both organisations and the ethos they stand for. I currently work as a Crown Court Caseworker at a practice specialising in […]

Multi-year funding from the Dawes Trust

The Sentencing Academy is pleased to announce that it has received additional multi-year funding from the Dawes Trust. We are very grateful to the Trust for its ongoing and future support of the Academy. Effective Sentencing In addition to our current funding this additional resource will permit the Academy to significantly expand its activities. More […]

Gavin Dingwall appointed Head of Policy and Communications

Gavin Dingwall has been appointed Head of Policy and Communications at the Sentencing Academy from 4 September 2023. Prior to this, he was Senior Research Fellow from 1 December 2022. During that time he has been engaged in a number of knowledge exchange activities including giving evidence to the House of Lords Justice and Home […]

Sentencing Academy Head of Research Vacancy

The Sentencing Academy is a charitable incorporated organisation created in 2019 to promote more effective sentencing practices and to further professional and public understanding of sentencing. In line with our development plans and funding we have successfully secured we are pleased to offer a brand new post heading up our new effective sentencing workstream. About […]